
First STEPs Training

This four-session intensive series is designed to help parents and caregivers understand The Birth to Three System, evaluation process, transition from Birth to Three into Preschool Special Education, advocacy skills and resources available in Connecticut. This training series will prepare families to understand their role in Birth to Three, understand data derived from evaluations, and how to prepare for when Birth to Three services end. Our goal is for participants to engage in collaborative practices with their Early Intervention providers, to develop effective advocacy skills, connect with one another and learn how to get the most out of their Birth to Three experience.

This learning series covers Early Intervention and Special Education related topics such as:

  1. Getting to Know All about Birth to Three and Each Other
  2. Understanding the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP): Data Based Decision Making, Evaluations, Child and Family Outcomes
  3. Transition to Preschool Special Education
  4. Describing Your Child’s unique needs, Advocacy Skills and Resources

For more information or questions about the application process, please call the Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center at (860) 739-3089 or email Adriana Fontaine.

Strengthening Families’ Support System, Helping Families Through Transitions and Beyond

Do you work with families of young children? Do you wish to enhance your strategies to support them? Learn about the five protective core factors that families need to support their children: Parental Resilience, Social Connections, Concrete Support in Times of Need, Knowledge of Parenting, Child Development and Social and Emotional Competence of Children. Learn how these are the foundation for promoting child development and helping families support their child’s development. Learn strategies to build these protective factors as you work with families in your everyday interactions with them. Guidance for this training comes from The Center for The Study of Social Policy (CSSP) Protective Factors Framework, a research-based practice and implementation knowledge framework.

Understanding Challenging Behavior in Young Children

This workshop will help participants change how they view and react to their children's challenging behavior. Participants will learn what their children's behavior is communicating, how to use positive behavior supports to encourage the development of new communication skills and practical tips for promoting children's success. An overview of functional behavioral assessment concepts and positive behavior interventions will be shared.

The Transition Process: From Birth to Three to Special Education

Families of children enrolled in Birth to Three will increase their understanding of the transition process from Birth to Three services and will gain knowledge of the key components of special education services under IDEA. Participants will learn about their role as an equal partner of the PPT and ways that they can effectively advocate for their children and communicate with schools.

Supporting Young Children

This presentation will explore the legal, practical, and positive implications of including young children who have disabilities with typical peers in early childhood settings. Participants will learn about the research that supports inclusive programs and how Connecticut is putting this research into practice. Practical strategies and reasonable accommodations will be discussed. Information on existing resources for providers and families will also be available. Guidance comes from The U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Education, Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs (2015).

Transitioning Your Child with Autism from Birth to Three to Preschool Special Education

This presentation provides participants with knowledge of Birth to Three (B23) transition procedures and protocols, the differences between Part B and Part C under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), the differences in eligibility between Birth to Three and preschool special education and how it applies to a young child with Autism, knowledge of the assessments needed for preschool special education with an emphasis on Autism. Community resources will be provided.

SIT For Autism

This training was developed by Southern Connecticut State University, Center of Excellence on Autism Spectrum Disorders. The training is for short-term childcare providers, families, and caregivers who babysit or care for children on the spectrum. The training will increase knowledge of the characteristics of autism, and it will focus on skill development and visual support strategies that can be used while sitting for a young child with autism. A detailed digital SIT preparation booklet, a package of pre-made strategies and materials that can be used immediately in the home setting, will be provided to participants.

Child Find in Connecticut: How to Talk to Families When Developmental Concerns Arise?

In this training, participants will gain knowledge about how to speak with families about their child’s development, Child Find procedures under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act), how to make a referral to Special Education and eligibility criteria. Participants will increase knowledge of available resources for families of young children and how to support a family to make a referral to Early Intervention or Preschool Special Education.