Our Mission

The mission of the Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center is to educate, support, and empower Connecticut's diverse families of children and youth with any disability or chronic conditions, ages birth to 26, and the professionals who serve them.

CPAC is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and language access for Connecticut families and youth with disabilities. We advocate at the federal, state, and local levels to help remove barriers that families and youth face when advocating for appropriate supports and services.

Our Vision

All families will have the confidence, knowledge and understanding they need to effectively advocate for their children and to partner with professionals to ensure the children and youth grow and learn to their full potential.


CPAC is Hiring!
CPAC is in search of a Technology and Operations Coordinator to join our amazing team! For more information, click on the job description below:
» Operations Coordinator

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How We Help

Every day, CPAC's Parent Consultants provide individual training, support and empowerment for parents and professionals who reach out to us with questions about the education of their children and students. We provide training programs at no cost to families and educators across the state. We make available a wide range of accessible online training and information on our website and through social media. We work with a wide range of partners to reach out to families, youth and educators to find and address the issues in the education and transition of students and young people from birth through age 26. CPAC is staffed by parents of children with disabilities who have training in, and personal experience with, the law and disability issues.

Online Learning Opportunities

Online Learning

Webinars, Videos and

Hot Topics


Technology, school climate & bullying, inclusion, literacy, and more.

Newsletter and Other CPAC Publications

Newsletters &

Newsletters from CPAC and a Guide to Educational Terms (in English and Spanish).

Special Education

Education 101

Communication, eligibility, evaluation, legal rights, and more.

Key Resources


Parent Support, Connecting Connecticut, Disability Specific and more

New Individualized Education Program (IEP)

NEW Individualized
Education Program (IEP)

The IEP is the foundation for a student's education.

State & Federal Information

State & Federal

State and Federal Laws Supporting Students with Disabilities

Parent & School Collaboration

Families & Schools
Working Together

Practices and Tools for Schools and Families

upcoming events

CES Grupo de Trabajo de Educación Especial de CT

Sesiones de retroalimentación
Thursday, September 19, 2024
10:00 - 11:30 am

El Grupo de Trabajo de Educación Especial es un comité designado legislativamente que se reunió para
estudiar la provisión y financiación de la educación especial en nuestro estado.

- El Grupo de Trabajo ha elaborado un informe con sus conclusiones iniciales
- Durante estas sesiones de 90 minutos, CPAC y RESC Alliance resumirán los hallazgos y le brindarán la
oportunidad de brindar sus comentarios
- Regístrese para una de las siguientes sesiones en persona

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese al 860-739-3089 o [email protected]

» Register for event

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