
Our current selection of Events is shown below. If you have a suggestion for an event which should be added here, please see our Event Submission page.

CES Grupo de Trabajo de Educación Especial de CT

Sesiones de retroalimentación
Thursday, September 19, 2024
10:00 - 11:30 am
Cost: Gratis
Location: 40 Lindeman Drive Trumbull, CT 06611

El Grupo de Trabajo de Educación Especial es un comité designado legislativamente que se reunió para
estudiar la provisión y financiación de la educación especial en nuestro estado.

- El Grupo de Trabajo ha elaborado un informe con sus conclusiones iniciales
- Durante estas sesiones de 90 minutos, CPAC y RESC Alliance resumirán los hallazgos y le brindarán la
oportunidad de brindar sus comentarios
- Regístrese para una de las siguientes sesiones en persona

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese al 860-739-3089 o [email protected]

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LEARN Grupo de Trabajo de Educación Especial de Connecticut

Sesiones de retroalimentación
Thursday, September 19, 2024
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Cost: Gratis
Location: 44 Hatchetts Hill Road, Old Lyme, CT

El Grupo de Trabajo de Educación Especial es un comité designado legislativamente que se reunió para
estudiar la provisión y financiación de la educación especial en nuestro estado.

- El Grupo de Trabajo ha elaborado un informe con sus conclusiones iniciales
- Durante estas sesiones de 90 minutos, CPAC y RESC Alliance resumirán los hallazgos y le brindarán la
oportunidad de brindar sus comentarios
- Regístrese para una de las siguientes sesiones en persona

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese al 860-739-3089 o [email protected]

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CREC Connecticut Special Education Task Force

Feedback Sessions
Thursday, September 19, 2024
4:30 - 6:00 PM
Cost: No Cost
Location: 44 Hatchetts Hill Road, Old Lyme, CT

The Special Education Task Force is a legislatively appointed committee that was assembled to study the provision and funding of special education in our state.

- The Task Force has developed a report with their initial findings
- During these 90 min sessions, CPAC and the RESC Alliance will summarize the findings and provide you with an opportunity to provide your feedback
- Please register for one of the following in-person sessions

If you have any questions please contact 860-739-3089 or [email protected]

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CES Connecticut Special Education Task Force

Feedback Sessions
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Cost: No Cost
Location: 40 Lindeman Drive, Trumbull, CT 06611

The Special Education Task Force is a legislatively appointed committee that was assembled to study the provision and funding of special education in our state.

- The Task Force has developed a report with their initial findings
- During these 90 min sessions, CPAC and the RESC Alliance will summarize the findings and provide you with an opportunity to provide your feedback
- Please register for one of the following in-person sessions

If you have any questions please contact 860-739-3089 or [email protected]

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CREC Grupo de Trabajo de Educación Especial de Connecticut

Sesiones de retroalimentación
Monday, September 23, 2024
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Cost: Gratis
Location: 111 Charter Oak Avenue Hartford, CT 0610

El Grupo de Trabajo de Educación Especial es un comité designado legislativamente que se reunió para
estudiar la provisión y financiación de la educación especial en nuestro estado.

- El Grupo de Trabajo ha elaborado un informe con sus conclusiones iniciales
- Durante estas sesiones de 90 minutos, CPAC y RESC Alliance resumirán los hallazgos y le brindarán la
oportunidad de brindar sus comentarios
- Regístrese para una de las siguientes sesiones en persona

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese al 860-739-3089 o [email protected]

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CREC Connecticut Special Education Task Force

Feedback Sessions
Monday, September 23, 2024
4:30 - 6:00 PM
Cost: No Cost
Location: 111 Charter Oak Avenue, Hartford, CT

The Special Education Task Force is a legislatively appointed committee that was assembled to study the provision and funding of special education in our state.

- The Task Force has developed a report with their initial findings
- During these 90 min sessions, CPAC and the RESC Alliance will summarize the findings and provide you with an opportunity to provide your feedback
- Please register for one of the following in-person sessions

If you have any questions please contact 860-739-3089 or [email protected]

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ACES Connecticut Special Education Task Force

Feedback Sessions
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
12:00 - 1:30 PM
Cost: No Cost
Location: 205 Skiff Street Hamden, CT 06517

The Special Education Task Force is a legislatively appointed committee that was assembled to study the provision and funding of special education in our state.

- The Task Force has developed a report with their initial findings
- During these 90 min sessions, CPAC and the RESC Alliance will summarize the findings and provide you with an opportunity to provide your feedback
- Please register for one of the following in-person sessions

If you have any questions please contact 860-739-3089 or [email protected]

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ACES Grupo de Trabajo de Educación Especial de Connecticut

Sesiones de retroalimentación
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Cost: Gratis
Location: 205 Skiff Street Hamden, CT 06517

El Grupo de Trabajo de Educación Especial es un comité designado legislativamente que se reunió para
estudiar la provisión y financiación de la educación especial en nuestro estado.

- El Grupo de Trabajo ha elaborado un informe con sus conclusiones iniciales
- Durante estas sesiones de 90 minutos, CPAC y RESC Alliance resumirán los hallazgos y le brindarán la
oportunidad de brindar sus comentarios
- Regístrese para una de las siguientes sesiones en persona

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese al 860-739-3089 o [email protected]

» Register for event

Promising Practices and Stories from the Field Session One

Family Stories- A Language Access Panel
Thursday, September 26, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Cost: No cost
Location: Online

The research is clear: when families and schools work together it improves student outcomes. For a growing number of families, language access plays a critical role in their ability to partner with their child’s school team. This session will provide a brief overview of:

What language access means
The laws outlining family rights and school districts responsibilities for language access
Understand the role language access plays in a student’s equal educational opportunities and an effective family-school partnerships

Participants will hear stories from families on their personal experiences with language access and the impact of it on their child’s educational opportunities and outcomes. Panelists will share challenges they have encountered, effective strategies and tools to support language access, and what it means to be a language access ally.

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Prácticas alentandoras e historias sobre el tema

Historias de familias Un panel sobre el acceso al lenguaje
Thursday, September 26, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Cost: Gratis
Location: Virtual

Los estudios son claro: cuando las familias y las escuelas trabajan juntas, los resultados de los estudiantes mejoran. Para un número creciente de familias, el acceso al lenguaje desempeña un papel fundamental en su capacidad para colaborar con el equipo escolar de su hijo. Esta sesión ofrecerá una breve visión general de:

Qué significa el acceso al lenguaje
Las leyes que describen los derechos de las familias y las responsabilidades de los distritos escolares en cuanto el acceso al lenguaje
Comprender el papel que desempeña el acceso al lenguaje en la igualdad de oportunidades educativas de los estudiantes y en la colaboración efictivo entre la familia y la escuela

Los participantes escucharán historias de las familias sobre sus experiencias personales con el acceso al lenguaje y el impacto que tiene en las oportunidades y los resultados educativos de sus hijos. Los panelistas compartirán los desafíos a que han enfrentado, las estrategias y herramientas eficaces para apoyar el acceso al lenguaje y lo que significa ser un aliado del acceso al lenguaje.

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Statewide Dyslexia Awareness CAMPAIGN KICKOFF

Thursday, October 3, 2024
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Location: Hartford, CT

The Connecticut State Department of Education’s Office of Dyslexia and Reading Disabilities has partnered with agencies from across the state to advance a year-long Dyslexia Awareness Campaign.

The campaign features a series of coordinated activities designed to promote awareness and a shared understanding of dyslexia, with the goal of ensuring equitable student identification and support.

Topics to be covered at the kickoff and throughout the campaign include equitable access to:
• the continuum of dyslexia, from birth to post-secondary education
• structured literacy
• assistive technology
• social-emotional well-being
• family engagement

The year-long calendar of dyslexia awareness activities, training, and resources focuses on educating the community about dyslexia and empowering professionals and families with the knowledge and skills needed to support students with dyslexia.

Thursday, October 3, 2024
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Light refreshments available
2nd Floor Auditorium
5:45–6:00 p.m.

Legislative Office Building
Hearing Room 2C, Hartford

Who Should Attend:
This event is open to the public, including legislators, teachers and administrators, parents, and students

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» View event flyer

Transition Tuesday

BRS Transition Counselors and Benefits Specialists
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Cost: No cost
Location: Online

BRS Transition Counselors and Benefits Specialists

This session will review the process to request Benefits Counseling Services, and what Benefits Counseling can provide to the individual. This session will also include a brief overview of youth transition services and pre-employment services provided via BRS, and how we partner with districts, families, and comparable benefit programs to ensure continued vocational support into adulthood.

Presenters: Stephanie Trelli, Transition Counselor/Youth Services and Mary Ellen McGarry, Benefit Specialist

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Martes de Transición

Oficina de Servicios de Rehabilitación (BRS)
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Cost: Gratis
Location: Virtual

Esta sesión revisará el proceso para solicitar servicios de consejería sobre beneficios y lo que esta consejería puede proporcionar al individuo. Esta sesión también incluirá una breve descripción general de los servicios de transición para jóvenes y los servicios previos al empleo proporcionados a través de BRS, y cómo nos asociamos con distritos, familias y programas de beneficios comparables para garantizar el apoyo vocacional continuo hasta la edad adulta.

Con Stephanie Trelli, Consejera de Transición/Servicios Juveniles y Mary Ellen McGarry, Especialista en Beneficios.

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Shaping the Future of Disability Rights

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
2:00 - 7:30 PM
Location: 112 Century Drive, Bristol, CT 06010

2024 Candidates’ Forum


A non-partisan forum with candidates/surrogates for President, Vice-President, United States Senate and all five Connecticut Congressional Seats answering questions on disability topics.

This is NOT an opportunity for attendees to pose questions to the candidates. Questions have been developed in advance by the Cross Disability Lifespan Alliance and will be asked by Diane Smith.

Diane Smith, Moderator

A New York Times bestselling author, Emmy award winning journalist, documentary producer and speaker, Diane Smith is a media veteran. Diane has been on the air in CT for over 25 years and is a distinguished lecturer of communication, film, and media studies at the University of New Haven.

In Person at the Bristol Event Center

112 Century Drive, Bristol, CT 06010

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

2:00 - 7:30 PM

*Doors Open at 1:30 PM*

Both ASL and Spanish interpreters will be available on site. To request other disability related accommodations, please email [email protected] by September 30, 2024.


Virtually on one of three Vimeo Channels:

Virtual English

Virtual Spanish

Virtual American Sign Language (ASL)

Pre-registration is required for either in person attendance at the Bristol Event Center or on one of three virtual channels.


Enlace del evento en español:

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Parent Leadership Training Series
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
5:30 to 8:30
Cost: No cost
Location: Stamford, Connecticut

This intensive eight session series is designed to help
parents and professionals gain the skills and knowledge
necessary to be effective members of the Planning and
Placement Team (PPT). This training series will prepare
participants for a variety of roles at the school, district,
regional, and state levels.

Registration is required!

Now in Person

Location: Stamford, Connecticut

October 16, 23, 30
November 6, 13, 20
December 4 and 11

Classes will meet on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 8:30

Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing details about the location of class

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North Haven Special Education Community Resource Fair

All are welcome!
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Cost: This is a no cost event
Location: North Haven High School Gymnasium

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Special Education Community Resource Fair! This event is designed to bring together resources, support, and information for families, educators, and professionals within our community. » View event flyer