District and State Testing Information
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
requires that students with disabilities are included in
and district assessments. It is the responsibility of the Planning and Placement
Team (PPT) to decide how the student will participate, and then to document that
decision in the student’s IEP. This includes whether the student requires
accommodations for testing,
and if so, what those accommodations are. There are times when a PPT may determine
an assessment is not appropriate for the student, and they recommend the student take an
alternate assessment.
In Connecticut, this is called the Connecticut Alternate Assessment, or CTAA. The alternate assessment is designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities, so it is not appropriate for every student on an IEP to take the CTAA. There is a flowchart for school teams to use prior to the PPT meeting to prepare for the discussion of the need for considering the alternate assessment. To prepare families, there is a Parent Overview of Connecticut’s Alternate Assessment System as well as a Frequently Asked Questions document. Connecticut’s IEP form documents district and state testing decisions of the PPT as seen below:
» State Assessments PDF
In Connecticut, this is called the Connecticut Alternate Assessment, or CTAA. The alternate assessment is designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities, so it is not appropriate for every student on an IEP to take the CTAA. There is a flowchart for school teams to use prior to the PPT meeting to prepare for the discussion of the need for considering the alternate assessment. To prepare families, there is a Parent Overview of Connecticut’s Alternate Assessment System as well as a Frequently Asked Questions document. Connecticut’s IEP form documents district and state testing decisions of the PPT as seen below:

» State Assessments PDF