Special Education Acronyms

The disability community is full of acronyms that people constantly use in writing and in conversation, and it is important to know what those acronyms stand for. Acronyms are used to abbreviate names or phrases.
A - Acronyms
AACAlternative Augmentative Communication
ABAApplied Behavioral Analysis
ABCAntecedent, Behavior, Consequence
ABIAcquired Brain Injury
ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act
ADD/ADHDAttention Deficit Disorder/Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADLsActivities of Daily Living
ADRAlternative Dispute Resolution
ADSDepartment of Aging and Disability Services
ADOSAutism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
AEMAccessible Educational Materials
AOAge Out
APEAdaptive Physical Education
ASDAutism Spectrum Disorder (also American School for the Deaf)
ASLAmerican Sign Language
ATAssistive Technology
AYPAdequate Yearly Progress
B - Acronyms
BCBABoard Certified Behavior Analyst
BESBBureau of Education & Services for the Blind
BIPBehavioral Intervention Plan
BOEBoard of Education
BRSBureau of Rehabilitations Services
C - Acronyms
CAPDCentral Auditory Processing Disorder
CBACurriculum Based Assessment
CCClosed Captioning
CCSSCommon Core State Standards
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
CDIChild Development Infoline and Child Development Institute
CECCouncil for Exceptional Children
CHIPChildren’s Health Insurance Program
COPCommunity of Practice
CPACConnecticut Parent Advocacy Center
CPIRCenter for Parent Information and Resources
CPRCCommunity Parent Resource Center
CYSHCNChildren Youth with Special Health Care Needs
CSDEConnecticut State Department of Education
CSTChild Study Team
D - Acronyms
DCFDepartment of Children and Families
DDDevelopmental Delay
DDSDepartment of Developmental Services
DIBELSDynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
DSACTDown Syndrome Association of Connecticut
DSMDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association
DSODay Support Options
DSSDepartment of Social Services
E - Acronyms
EBPEvidence-based Practice
ECEEarly Childhood Education
ECSEEarly Childhood Special Education
EDEmotional Disability – in CT (Emotional Disturbance in IDEA)
EDU.S. Department of Education
EHDIEarly Hearing Detection and Intervention Program
EIEarly Intervention
EISEarly Intervening Services
ELLEnglish Language Learner
ESDExtended School Day
ESLEnglish as a Second Language
ESSAEvery Student Succeeds Act
ESYExtended School Year
F - Acronyms
FAPEFree Appropriate Public Education
FBAFunctional Behavioral Assessment
FCFacilitated Communication
FERPAFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
G and H - Acronyms
GEGeneral Education
GTGifted and Talented
HIHearing Impaired
HOHearing Officer
HoHHard of Hearing
I - Acronyms
IAInstructional Assistant
IAESInterim Alternative Educational Setting
IDIntellectual Disability
IDEAIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEEIndependent Educational Evaluation
IEPIndividualized Education Program
IFSPIndividualized Family Service Plan
IHEInstitution of Higher Education
L, M, and N - Acronyms
LDLearning Disability
LEALocal Education Agency
LEPLimited English Proficiency
LRELeast Restrictive Environment
MDMultiple Disabilities
MDRManifestation Determination Review
MTSSMulti-Tiered System of Supports
NIHNational Institutes of Health
NIMHNational Institute of Mental Health
O - Acronyms
OCROffice for Civil Rights
OHIOther Health Impairment
OIOrthopedic Impairment
O & MOrientation and Mobility Services
OSEPOffice of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education
OTOccupational Therapy
P and R - Acronyms
P&AProtection & Advocacy
PALSPeer-Assisted Learning System
PARCCPartnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers
PASSPlan for Achieving Self-Support
PBISPositive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
PCAPersonal Care Attendant
PDPhysical Disability
PLAAFPresent Level(s) of Academic Achievement and Functioning
PLOPPresent Level(s) of Performance
PPTPlanning and Placement Team
PTPhysical Therapy
PSOGSPost-Secondary Outcome Goal Statement
PTIParent Training and Information Center
RESCRegional Educational Service Center
RDAResults-Driven Accountability
RSARehabilitation Services Administration
RSRelated Services
RTIResponse to Intervention
S - Acronyms
§This symbol means “Section” as in “§ 300.7 Child with a disability” in the IDEA regulations
SASSupplementary Aids and Services
SEAState Education Agency
SEACSpecial Education Advisory Committee
Section 504Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
SEPACSpecial Education Parent Advisory Council
SISensory Integration
SLDSpecific Learning Disability
SLISpeech/Language Impairment
SLPSpeech/Language Pathologist
SRBIScientific Research-Based Intervention
SSDISocial Security Disability Income
SSISupplemental Security Income
SSPStudent Support Plan
SSTStudent Study Team
U to Z - Acronyms
UDLUniversal Design for Learning
TBITraumatic Brain Injury
TDDTelecommunication Devices for the Deaf
T-TATraining and Technical Assistance
TTYTeletypewriter (phone system for the deaf)
TWWIIATicket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act
VIVisual Impairment
Voc EdVocational Education
VRVocational Rehabilitation
WIOAWorkforce Investment and Opportunity Act
Note: Disability & Special Education Acronyms and Terms. Adapted with edits from "Disability & Special Education Acronyms," by Center for Parent Information & Resources.

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