Post-Secondary Education
- College Goal Sunday – A yearly statewide event that takes place in January which assists students and their families with completing online the federal financial aid form. A student needs to register online at the listed website in order to participate. Also volunteers are needed at all sites and to volunteer a person needs to register online also.
- College Information for Students with Disabilities
- Know How 2 Go – An interactive website that lists the steps that students should follow, beginning in middle school, when getting for post-secondary education.
- College Week Live – A free interactive online college fair with more than 200 colleges participating from around the world. College Week Live occurs yearly in November and March.
- College Board – The College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity.
- FASFA4caster and MyFASFA– FASFA4caster is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid FAFSA4caster is on online tool that helps students and parents determine their current eligibility for federal financial aid. MyFSA is an online account that provides students with access to college and scholarship searches, career and self-assessment tools, and other resources regarding college and financial aid.
- – This website is designed to share what is currently going on, provide resources and strategies, training events, and give you ways to talk to others. The information is for transition aged students as well as adults attending or planning for college.
- – Going To College offers information about living college life with a disability. It's designed for high school students and provides video clips, activities and additional resources that can help you get a head start in planning for college.
- Schwallie Family Scholarship Program – The Organization for Autism Research – The Organization for Autism Research (OAR) is now accepting applications for the Schwallie Family Scholarship Competition to support qualified individuals with autism or Asperger Syndrome in the United States pursuing post-secondary education. OAR will present a total of five awards of $3,000 in each across three categories: 1) Four-year undergraduate college or university; 2) Two-year undergraduate college, and; 3) Trade, technical or vocational school.
- – Annual Scholarship Award – is proud to announce our second annual scholarship award. Established in 2006, the scholarship fund will award one $500 scholarship to an undergraduate student. The scholarship is open to students of any major or concentration. The winner's name, essay and photo will be posted on Although not a requirement, preference will be given to students with mobility disabilities.
- The Linda J. Marchetti Scholarship & The Bobby Fund Scholarship– Presented by the CT Down Syndrome Congres (CDSC) -The Connecticut Down Syndrome Congress offers educational scholarships to students with Down Syndrome who are pursuing post-secondary education opportunities.
- Financial Aid, Scholarships and Resources for Students with Learning Disabilities – An article by the National Center for Learning Disabilities
- Differences Between High School and College
- College Foreign Language Requirements
- Post-Secondary Transitions for Adults with Disabilities
- A Practical Guide for People with Disabilities Who Want to Go to College
- Learning Disabilities: 10 Success Tips for High School Students with College Aspirations By Joan M. Azarva, Ms.ED
- Heading for College with Special Health Care Needs; Student Preparation for a Successful Transition
- Making My Way Through College: A Guide for Youth with Disabilities
- The ADA, Section 504 & Postsecondary Education
100 Things Every College Student With A Disability Ought to Know
This is a self-help orientation guidebook for students with disabilities that is designed to help identify problem areas, offer suggestions and provide additional web site connections for assistance in building success with issues of academic and social life in college. It helps to better explain what is expected of students with disabilities in college and provides helpful tips and strategies that can help students avoid the common problems of adjusting from secondary school. It highlights crucial information students with disabilities need to know about practices for accommodations, expectations of professors and where and how to communicate their disability related college needs. It is also formatted as a quick and easy carry-around reference that serves to alleviate awkward and unnerving circumstances before they occur. -
Getting Into and Surviving College When You Have A Learning Disability: Learning How to Learn
Written for high school and college students with learning disabilities (LD), this thorough, down-to-earth manual gently steers students through the process of preparing for college, choosing the right school and succeeding academically. Drawing from her own experiences, Joyanne offers concrete, step-by-step advice on how LD students can do the following: Take standardized tests in a form best suited to their needs, Select a postsecondary program that will support their future goals and learning styles, Take advantage of a wide range of supports and services, Advocate for their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act, to highlight their learning strengths And to survive and succeed in college and beyond. -
Preparing Students with Disabilities for College Success: A Practical Guide to Transition Planning
Written by Stan F. Shaw, Joseph W. Madaus and Lyman L. Dukes III. For students with mild to moderate, non-visible disabilities, navigating a college education without the support team they had in high school can be challenging. Help students become effective self-advocates and maximize their postsecondary possibilities with this book.