Transition Planning Steps For Families & Students as They Begin the High School Years
- Student and family members should identify and understand the disability and the challenges they will face so that all members of the (PPT) Planning and Placement Team can provide quality transition planning for the student.
- Student need to understand the PPT process.
- Student should be invited to their annual PPT. Family members should consider the student's level of involvement at the PPT depending on the student's desire to participate.
- Student should complete interest and career inventories in order to plan appropriate courses and vocational education. (Contact your school or advocacy center for more information)
- Student and Family members should begin to discuss future independent living arrangements, including possible supports.
- Teacher and family members need to help the student identity and articulate their interests, preferences, and needs.
- Student should understand their disability and know what accommodations they need.
- Opportunities for problem solving, decision making and self advocacy skills training should be provided to the student at home, school and the community.
- Student should have access to and utilize assistive technology in order to successfully participate in academic classes, increase community involvement and explore employment opportunities.
- Student should get involved in community activities in order to develop friendships and become contributing members of society.
- Student should participate in travel training (e.g. city bus, taxi, etc.) both at school and in the community.
Developed by the Connecticut Transition Task Force Parent Sub-Committee, 2005
Download PDF of Transition Planning Steps for Parents and Students as They Enter High School.