Special Education 101
Special education helps students with both learning issues and functional issues. Learning may mean your child has trouble with the skills in math, reading, writing or comprehending. Functional skills cover various domains, such as: social-emotional, behavioral, communication, organization, visual and many other areas that may impact a student in school. Special Education means specialized instruction targeted at your child's specific needs. If a student meets the criteria of eligibility for special education that means they should receive specialized instruction. School staff have the skills and knowledge to provide this and discussing what the instruction looks like for the student helps everyone to have a shared understanding of the child's program. Discussion about measuring progress and regular monitoring will also bring the team closer to a shared understanding and high expectations for success.
Select a Special Education Topic below to learn more.

Getting Started
I want to learn about getting started with the Special Education process

My child was recently made eligible for services, or, I am looking for general information

School Rules & IEPs
School Rules and Students with IEPs: Attendance, Behavior, Discipline

Issue Resolution
I am looking to resolve a disagreement, or improve communication