Scientific Research-Based Interventions

What is Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI)?

Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI) is CT's framework for Response-to-Intervention (RtI). CT chose Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI) to emphasize the role of general education. The dual focus is on providing instruction and intervention in general education at the onset of a concern regarding academic and behavioral performance and on high quality instruction for all students through the use of research-based, effective instructional strategies.

In a SRBI model, students are assessed using common assessments their academic and social progress is monitored and those experiencing difficulty are identified and supported as soon as the need is identified. The curriculum is built on high-quality research-based instructional strategies and instruction is differentiated for all learners. Data is collected and reviewed often. It is used to drive both instructional decisions at the student level and to improve general education practices.

Glossary of Response to Intervention Terms

Baseline: the student's current level of performance in his or her focus area for improvement prior to implementation of an intervention

Benchmark: important student outcomes or goals for a grade within a particular domain (e.g., reading), that students should be achieving during the course of a school year (e.g., fall, winter, spring) in order to be on target for end-of-grade performance by the end of that school year

Curriculum Based Measures (CBMs): measures for ongoing monitoring of students' progress through a curriculum; CBMs may be locally developed, but generic CBMs are also available for free download or purchase (e.g., DIBELs or AIMSweb)

Data Teams: teams of educators that are responsible for data analysis and decision making and that function at the level of the district, school, and grade (or content area) as well as across grade levels in the same content area (i.e., vertical teams); they include as members school administrators, school psychologists, grade/content area general educators, various specialists and other behavioral/mental health personnel

Differentiated Instruction: an approach to teaching that emphasizes ways to meet the differing needs of a group of students within the general education setting, for example, through the use of flexible small groups, varied instructional materials, or different ways of presenting the same content; differentiation of instruction is an integral part of Tier I

Flexible Grouping: grouping of students that is changeable based on the purpose of the instructional activity and on changes in the instructional needs of individual students over time

Homogeneous Grouping: grouping of students with similar instructional needs who are at similar levels, such as students who all require instruction in basic spelling skills

Positive Behavioral Support (PBS) or Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS): a multicomponent approach to respectfully changing behavior while enhancing capabilities, opportunities, and quality of life

Progress Monitoring: using data to track students' progress toward a goal

SRBI (Scientific Research-Based Interventions): a term used in CT to describe instructional practices and interventions in a school or district that have been researched and determined to be effective for improved student outcomes or proven to excel student learning as evidenced by data

Tier I: the general education core curriculums, instruction and social/behavioral supports for all students, with differentiation of instruction as a norm

Tier II: short-term interventions for students who have not responded adequately to the general education core curriculums and differentiation of instruction; it is part of the general education system

Tier III: more intensive or individualized short-term interventions for students who fail to respond adequately to Tier I and/or Tier II interventions; it is also part of the general education system

Universal Common Assessments: a term for assessments that are given routinely to all students in a grade and that are the same for all students in a grade within a school or district; universal common assessments may be summative or formative and include, but are not limited to, benchmark assessments

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