Covid-19 Resources

There have been so many different resources and guidance documents to follow we wanted to try to simplify and provide families with the information they need RIGHT NOW. In addition to state guidance, it is important for all families to review their district’s plan for reopening. Families who have not received it directly can find it on their district’s website for review.

We know there is a lot of information for families to sort through. If you need one-to-one help, please feel free to call or email our Parent Consultants to discuss your individual situation.

Call: (860) 739-3089
Email: [email protected]

Latest Content

US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights: Questions and Answers for K-12 Public Schools in the current COVID-19 environment

Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), Question and Answer (Q & A) document in response to inquiries concerning implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B provision of services in the current COVID-19 environment.

Birth to Three System

Guidance for In-Person Birth to Three and Home Visiting
Pautas Para Las Visitas Presenciales De Birth To Three and Home Visiting

Informational flyer on family supports and comprehensive evaluations supported by an online format in English and Spanish

All B23 guidance can be found on this site:

School-aged students 3 – 21

Special Education Guidance for Parents Related to School Reopening is a three-page document by CPAC and the SDE which further describes the special education information found in Addendum 6 from the State Department of Education: Reopen Guidance for Educating Students with Disabilities:
Spanish (coming soon)

Zoom conversations regarding school reopening are available on our YouTube channel, which can be accessed in multiple languages.

CPAC Facebook group CPAC Resources and Support has additional resources.
Facebook – CPAC En Español


Video: Distance Learning for Preschool Families

Addendum 6. Reopen Guidance for Educating Students with Disabilities from the State Department of Education (SDE) is a good place to start as it outlines special education specific information. It is an addendum to the document listed below entitled Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut’s Plan to Learn and Grow Together, which is for general education issues that impact all students, including students with disabilities. (8/12/2020)

Learning Model IEP Implementation Form – will be used to document how the IEP will be implemented if the IEP service delivery needs to be changed to accommodate the student’s learning model. English PDF

Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut's Plan to Learn and Grow Together (8/3/2020):
Provides comprehensive information on general education, which is for ALL students.

Adaptar, Avanzar, Alcanzar: El Plan de Connecticut para Aprender y Crecer Juntos
Proporciona información completa sobre educación general, la cual es para TODOS los estudiantes.

Addendum 1: Temporarily Opting into Voluntary Remote Learning Due to COVID-19 (Memo previously sent via COVID-19 Update on July 23) (7/27/2020)

Addendum 2: COVID Guidance and Considerations for Preschool Located in Public Schools

Addendum 3: Fall Reopening Resource Document for Students with High Needs

Addendum 4: Interim Guidance for Decision-Making Regarding the Use of In-Person, Hybrid (Blended), or Remote Learning Models

Addendum 5: Interim Guidance for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios in Connecticut School Districts

Addendum 6: Reopen Guidance for Educating Students with Disabilities

Addendum 7: COVID-19 Reopening Considerations for Connecticut K–12 Music Programs

Addendum 8: Fire and School Safety During COVID-19

Addendum 9: Contact Tracing Scenarios in Schools

Addendum 10: Reframing and Reopening: School Discipline Amidst COVID-19 Guidance

Addendum 11: Interim Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings in Schools during COVID-19

Sensible Assessment Practices for 2020-21 and Beyond

ALL State Guidance can be found on the State Department of Education’s Covid-19 Page.